Joshua 7 - The Sin Of Achan
The coveted, a covering
A false hood over all of me
A heavy shroud, a bath of dark
A longing for the wrongest heart
Devoted things meant for destruction
Subvert their fate at my own gumption
Heaping coals meant to burn
Granting all manner of spurn
Taken in the throes of battle
The thrill of plunder ever addled
Desire cries more, desire cries now.
Pleasures fleeting to which I cow
Devoted things have a way about them
Unspoken surreptitious aura
Pleasing presence, sinister soothsay,
"Here is all you need. Look not beyond my means."
Meant for destruction, saved from fire
Retrieved at cost of flesh asunder
Allegiance twisted to means, not the end
Devotion rended from my grasp
And while I vow 'never again'
In the self same breath plead amends
Not with self or pride or God
But to the devoted thing that is now gone
The itch never to be scratched enough
Till flesh reveals all the more blood
The festering down deep within
A thirst to slake at endless whims
Yet in the fleeting light that breaks
Betwixt the clouds of bitter fate
There I found my hope to break
The power that I now abate
Hoping endless in hollowed heart
Might be filled with power stark
Strength enough to break these binds
And shackle down these things of mine
Devotion again my own to give
Mourning no more, my soul to live
A taking back of what was lost
A mending fresh of broken parts
Lest I fool myself again
To be on guard, on this stand
Evermore, you devoted things
Your own destruction you will reap
