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Nerve Endings

Idempotence -- Any function that can be executed several times without changing the final result beyond its first iteration.

Cognitive System Access Log

Jan 3 10:34:17

Self: Open neural terminus session. Access logged memories.

Cerebrum: Neural terminus session opened.

Self: Access logged memories.

Cerebrum: Opening Hippocampus (HC) terminal. Standby...

HC: Terminal opened. Last login: Time stamp invalid.

Self: Search Memory Bank. Query Parameters--Unresolved, Pain, Disappointment, Bitterness

HC: Querying Memory File 3827834.

Error--Access denied, File Encrypted, Last access:Unknown

Self: Decrypt Memory File 3827834.

HC: Warning; Decryption of Memory File 3827834 may cause distress throughout entire system.

Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/N)


HC: Timeout occurred.

Are you sure you want to proceed with memory file decryption? (Y/N)

Self: No.

HC: Would you like to end HC terminal session.

Self: Yes.

HC: HC terminal session ended. Memory access shutdown.

Self: End neural terminus session.

Cerebrum: Outcome: Idempotent.

Access ended.


Cognitive System Access Log

May 14 05:12:52

Self: Access and decrypt logged memory file 3827834.

Cerebrum: Contacting HC control.

HC: Memory file found. File encrypted.

Self: Decrypt file.

HC: Warning; Decryption of Memory File 3827834 may cause distress throughout entire system.

Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/N)

Self: Yes.

HC: Decrypting Memory File 3827834, diverting central processing cycles to limbic system, preparing distress response protocols. Standby...

File decryption complete.

Self: Open file.

Cerebrum: Unexpected error occurred, conflict between hippocampus and pregenual anterior cortex.

Self: Access (pACC) control terminal.

Cerebrum: Accessing..

(pACC) terminal opened.

Self: (pACC), Bypass protective protocols.

pACC: Bypassing these protocols may permanently damage neural pathways, inhibit cognitive function, and result in high emissions pain signals through neural network, as well as possible psychosomatic symptoms in nervous system.

Do you wish to proceed? (Y/N)

Self: Yes.

HC: Response received from (pACC) Removing protective protocols.

Opening memory file 3827834.

Self: View file.

Cerebrum: System wide distress detected; processing cycle capacity reached.

pACC: System overload.

Cerebrum: Pain responses detected by medial prefrontal cortex

(mPFC) dorsolateral prefrtonal cortex (DLPFC); unknown error occurred.


Cerebrum: Neural pathway receiving high traffic pain responses.

mPFC: Warning: Nervous control terminus overload could manifest in the emergence of chronic pain.

DLPFC: Unknown emotional manifestation physical response, system shutting down.

Cerebrum: A critical error occurred.

Self: I have to do this.

Cerebrum: Error; Response not recognized or unknown command.

Do you wish to end logged memory playback? (Y/N)

Self: No.

Cerebrum: Error; Response not recognized or unknown command.

Suggest shutting down (HC) memory playback to avoid system wide overload.

Do you wish to proceed? (Y/N)


pACC: Warning, Critical pain response. Suggest self regulation.

Cerebrum: No response detected.

Do you wish to end logged memory playback? (Y/N)

Self: No.

Cerebrum: Diversion of processing cycles to pACC and mPFC suggested to avoid extreme pain responses.

Do you wish to proceed? (Y/N)

Self: No.

DLPFC: Abstraction detected.

HC: Memory playback complete.

Do you wish to recall file 3837834 again? (Y/N)

Self: Yes.

Cerebrum: Suggest diversion of processing cycles to pACC and mPFC to offset pain mechanisms.

Do you wish to proceed? (Y/N)

Self: No.

pACC: System critical.

mPFC: Psychosomatic and emotional pain tolerance peaking.

Self: Divert all available processing cycles to defragmentation of memory file 3827834.

HC: Are you sure? Playback will end, and memory will be integrated into cognitive terminal.

Do you wish to proceed? (Y/N)

DLPFC: Multiple abstractions detected. Unknown entity manifesting.

Self: Yes.

Cerebrum: Insula and anterior cortexes reporting high distress to nerve endings; psychosomatic pain detected.

HC: Integration complete.

Cerebrum: Suggest closing HC terminal to divert processing cycles to cognitive processing.

Proceed? (Y/N)

Self: Yes.

pACC: System levels critical.

mPFC: Multiple errors detected.

Self: Cerebrum, run self-resolution protocol.

DLPFC: Alert: Self-resolution protocol may cause system wide corruption while unknown entities and abstractions are present.

Cerebrum: Preparing to run SR protocol. Duration: Unknown.

Do you wish to proceed? (Y/N)

Self: Yes

Cerebrum: Initiating SR protocol.

Self: End neural terminus session.

Cerebrum: Outcome: Indempotent.

Access ended.

System processing....


Cognitive System Access Log

Aug 23 09:26:11

Cerebrum: Alert; SR protocol failure. Result: Resolution command on file 3837834 idempotent.

Self: Run SR protocol again, add rule--ad hoc repetition of SR protocol.

Cerebrum: Preparing to run SR protocol, rule accepted Duration: Unknown.

Do you wish to proceed? (Y/N)

Self: Yes.

DLPFC: Warning: Abstractions unstable, corrupted entity infiltrating self-identity code parameter protocols.

Cerebrum: Running SR protocol; ad hoc repetition.

Self: End neural terminus session.

Cerebrum: Outcome: Indempotent. Memory file unresolved.

Access ended.

System processing....


Cognitive System Access Log

Nov 02 03:47:33

Cerebrum: Alert; SR protocol complete. Result: Resolution command for file 3837834 successful.

pACC: System levels normalized.

mPFC: Errors resolved.

DLPFC: Abstractions transferred to concretion. Corrupted entity recolved; merged with consciousness.

Self: Move memory file 3827834.

Cerebrum: Location directive required.

Self: Move to HC folder ‘Resolved’.

HC: Preparing to move file. Alert: Memory file 3827834 properties have changed. Future playback from (HC) will no longer result in distress responses.

Do you wish to proceed? (Y/N)

Self: Yes.

Cerebrum: File moved.

Self: End neural terminus session.

Cerebrum: Outcome: Memory resolved.

Access ended.

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